The unofficial website of the Northern Marianas Badminton Federation in the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands,


Tuesdays to Thursdays 8:30am-10:30am
Saturday: 6:30pm-9:30pm
Sunday: 2pm-6pm

NMBF members and non-members, we can chat now! just leave your messages at the Chat Box located on your right. Scroll down and look for the black chat box and chat! Click on Name (type in your name then message)!

Team Traders Insurance the newly crown Champion Congratulation!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Apung, can you edit this and place the article from Saipan Tribune? Go to, go to search bar, type in NMBF, then click on Order by Date then cut and paste the story to this post. don't forget to put the name of the writer....let me know if you have questions.